Nest Incorporated is committed to performing its business to the highest standards of personal and corporate integrity. You can read about key aspects of its governance framework and practice in the Nest Incorporated Governance Statement.

The following are key documents and policies, which form part of Nest Incorporated governance framework and highlight its commitment to honest, ethical, compassionate and passionate humanitarian work and its governance:

Constitution Model
Overseas Operations
Transparency & Accountability
Risk Management
Governance Statement

Safeguarding Privacy & Human Rights

Nest Incorporated takes privacy seriously. At any time you can view our Privacy Policy.

Nest Incorporated is committed to respecting, promoting and protecting the human rights of every individual in Australia and abroad.

As we work for vulnerable children and youth in the disadvantaged parts of the Balkans, we recognise our role and responsibility in protecting all human rights in all areas of our business, including the way we make decisions, develop policies and conduct activities abroad, as outlined in our Ethical Code of Conduct and Child Safeguarding Policy. We understand that our organisation is developing and are committed to continuous learning and improvement.

Safeguarding Our Asset & Resources

Nest Incorporated has a zero-tolerance attitude toward incidents of fraud or corruption nature and is committed to minimizing the likelihood and impact of this type of misconduct through the development, implementation and regular review of a range of fraud prevention, detection and response strategies. Each strategy contributes to an environment where risk is managed through sound internal controls and ethical practices, as outlined in the Financial Management policy and Fraud and Corruption policy.